Category Archives: Newborn Photographer

Tribeca Newborn Photographer – Dean – NYC Studio

These photos were taken last week, the morning of an oncoming snowstorm (first of many here in NYC)! It was a bit of a gamble to try and beat the snow but I was happy we did it before Dean was even one day older… He was great! A couple of newborn photos from Dean’s session…

Long Island City Newborn Photographer

It feels like there’s never enough hours in a day to keep up with posting on this photo blog… Sometimes its really incredible how fast time goes by! It’s hard to believe I took these newborn photos of Taylor well over a year ago in Long Island City, they’ve been on my list of photos…

Wyatt – Newborn Photography {Tribeca NYC}

Wyatt’s newborn portraits were a bit of a last minute thing to say the least… Wyatt was 3 weeks old when I arrived at his home on Wednesday. Here is a photo of Wyatt with his Grandfather’s boots from when he wore them as a child…

Max – Newborn Photography at home {UES, NYC}

At only 5 days old. Max’s was super easy to work with. For these 2 shots we got to use the colors and textures from his nursery as a background.

Mason – Newborn Photography {Peter Cooper Village / Stuyvesant Town – New York City}

I’ve often worked in Stuy town, but for some odd reason today was my first session in Peter Cooper Village… Newborn baby Mason was super cooperative during our session in NYC this morning, his dogs weren’t too bad either… 😉